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Hacker 101 CTF Walkthrough: BugDB v2

 This is the second CTF on Hacker 101 related to GraphQL. Let's dive into it.

Learning the trend from previous CTF i.e BugDB v1 I didn't dive into the introspection query graph straightaway this time rather I opened the docs of this GraphQL endpoint which showed that this time we have the feature of mutation as well which means that we can post/modify data on the server. Interesting.


Alright, Let's follow the trend and read the docs further in Query


We can query for user, find user/bug and also all bugs and all users as well. Let's carve a query out of it that queries most of the data if not all out of the endpoint


    allBugs {
    reporter {

I queried for all the users and bugs (NOTE: I could also have used the "user" object to query for querying all the users). It in response gave me this.

  "data": {
    "allUsers": {
      "edges": [
          "node": {
            "id": "VXNlcnM6MQ==",
            "username": "admin"
          "node": {
            "id": "VXNlcnM6Mg==",
            "username": "victim"
    "allBugs": [
        "id": "QnVnczox",
        "reporter": {
          "id": "VXNlcnM6MQ==",
          "username": "admin"
        "reporterId": 1,
        "text": "This is an example bug",
        "private": false


I copied the all the IDs mentioned in the response (encoded in Base64) and decoded them using and got the following output:


So the users are numbered as User:1, User:2 and bugs as Bug:1 etc but if you noticed one thing that the bug that we received in the response has attribute private set to false meaning that this bug is marked public so there is a chance that there are private bugs available on this endpoint, what if we can disclose them? 

Now lets have a look at the Mutation's documentation to see what can we do in mutation. 


Ok so we can modify the a bug using this mutation on this endpoint of GraphQL but how can this be a security vulnerability? Here's the catch, as we can see that there could be private bugs on the server and if we somehow get their ID we can modify their status from private to public, hence disclosing private bugs, lets convert this theory into action.

We have already seen one bug, I gave it a guess shot that there would be one private bug whose ID will be 2 (After all hacking involves a lot of guess work) and tried to modify its status to public using the following mutation:

  modifyBug(id:2, private:false) {

This mutation returned the ok parameter which is a proof that a bug having ID:2 has been set from private to public. Lets see all bugs to check if now we can see the hidden bug or not using 

    allBugs {
    reporter {

This CTF involved IDOR through which we disclosed private bugs. Happy learning


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