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Kali Linux 2020.1 tty1 ERROR

I found a horrible error when I installed the latest version of Kali Linux on one of my machines, after installing the OS when I started it, it booted into a black screen which asked for my login credentials without any GUI.
It is heartbreaking to see problems right away in a freshly installed operating system but after some Googling, I dug out the solution which I will share with you here. 

Steps to solve No GUI tty1 Error in Kali Linux

1. First log in with your user credentials
2. Write command: cd /
3. Write command: cd etc/
4. Write command: cd apt/
5. Write command: cat sources.list

After step 5, you will see something like this:
As you can see, no repositories are mentioned here so obviously we'll have to add kali official repositories to this file. 
6. Write command: sudo nano sources.list
7. Write your password
8. Now add the following repositories at the end of the editable file which is opened on the terminal:
deb kali-rolling main non-free contrib

deb-src kali-rolling main non-free contrib
9. After adding the above lines to the file, press Ctrl + O and Ctrl + X to save and close the file respectively.
10. Write command: sudo apt-get update
11. After the update has completed, write command: sudo apt-get install gdm3 , type Y(Yes) on the prompt. The installation might take some time.
12. During installation, a wizard will open in which you have to change the default display manager to gdm3  and hit Enter!
13. Write command: reboot

Now you will be able to see the GUI.


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