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Showing posts from April, 2021

Hacker 101 CTF Walkthrough: BugDB v3

 This CTF like the previous one too has some mutations in it so likely we have to play with mutations. It's always a good idea to give introspection query a try with GraphQL voyager which retrieved following result: We can see something different in this graph i.e attachments. That being said lets explore the documentation to carve a query that returns all the data available on the endpoint query { user { edges { node { id username bugs { edges { node { id private reporterId attachments { edges { node { id bugId filename } } } } } } } } } } This query returns all the data as follows.

Hacker 101 CTF Walkthrough: BugDB v2

 This is the second CTF on Hacker 101 related to GraphQL. Let's dive into it. Learning the trend from previous CTF i.e BugDB v1 I didn't dive into the introspection query graph straightaway this time rather I opened the docs of this GraphQL endpoint which showed that this time we have the feature of mutation as well which means that we can post/modify data on the server. Interesting.   Alright, Let's follow the trend and read the docs further in Query   We can query for user, find user/bug and also all bugs and all users as well. Let's carve a query out of it that queries most of the data if not all out of the endpoint